Work with us


If you are interested in developing a data-driven approach for your program or an upcoming funding solicitation, contact us and we can help advise on a partnership approach. Please note that we do not have unrestricted funding and we are not a public charity, so we do not make grants or provide free support other than that which we offer all users of our free software platforms. All partnerships require an external funding source. That said, if you are a community-based organization, government, or service provider, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to connect you with free resources in our platform and any external funding opportunities that we can identify.

Here are some ideas on how to integrate our support into water, sanitation, and health programs:

  • National and regional monitoring information systems (MIS) or sector monitoring systems, including indicator definition, data collection, visualization, and training and support

  • Utility and service provider data systems, including key performance indicator monitoring, asset management, meter reading and fee collection, financial accounting, operations and maintenance, and customer service / public engagement

  • Water resource management data systems, including site-based hydrometeorological data, hydrogeological data, well logs, and water use permits

  • Sanitation service provision and regulation, including data systems for fecal sludge management providers, regulatory monitoring and inspections, and sewerage infrastructure asset management and planning

  • Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) platforms for water, sanitation, and health programs, including research design, methods and indicator development, and research reports and knowledge management

We can help develop project ideas and can provide sample statements of work, terms of reference, and cost estimates for various types of projects.  

If you require training and support for your organization in using the Solstice software platform, we offer several tiers of paid training and technical support. In many countries, we can also connect you with a local consultant trained in using the Solstice platform.
